South African Sport |
In South Africa soccer, rugby and cricket are their main Sports " Other sports with significant support are hockey,swimming, athletics, golf, boxing, tennis and netball. Although soccer commands the greatest following among the youth, other sports like basketball, surfing, and skateboarding are increasingly popular. |

South African Foods |
The cuisine of South Africa is sometimes called "rainbow cuisine", as it has had a variety of multicultural sources and stages.These colonists brought European cookery styles with them. The Afrikaners have their succulent potjiekos, tamatiebredie ,tomato bredie, or stews of lamb and mutton with tomato and onion sauce, with or without rice. |

South African Poems |
The poetry of South Africa covers a broad range of themes, forms and styles.This article discusses the context that contemporary poets have come from and identifies the major poets of South Africa, their works and influence.And their Amaizing poems of the Voortrekkers Days, and the Poems of Today. |

South African Flag Songs |
Another flag song, this time about the former South African flag called "Die Vlaglied" / "The Song of the Flag" which was composed by CJ Langenhoven, the composer of the former South African National Anthem "Die Stem van Suid-Afrika" / "The Call of South Africa". |
South African Coat of Arms |
The South African National Seal with its symbols on the original South African Coat of Arms places the white South African nation alongside the other Great Israel Nations of the West and identifies them as THE ANCIENT TRIBE OF JUDAH. The Coat of Arms heraldry aligned with thesc scriptures gives Judah’s latter-day geographical location as South Africa. Since this latter-day discovery, the White South Africans can easily be identified as the Biblical tribe of Judah whose ultimate destination was skillfully guided by the Creator and their identity concealed for it only to be revealed long after their arrival on theAfrican continent. |

South African Music |
Afrikaans music was primarily influenced by Dutch folk styles, along with French and German influences, in the early twentieth century. In 1979 the South African Music scene changed from the Tranetrekkers to more lively sounds and the introduction of new names in the market with the likes of Anton Goosen, David Kramer, Koos du Plessis, Fanie de Jager, and Laurika Rauch. Afrikaans music is currently one of the most popular and best selling industries on the South African music scene. |

South African Jokes |
Here You can find a few South African Jokes. |

South African Ghost Stories |
The ghosts of South Africa couldn't be more varied. You'll find killers, victims, poltergeists, spooky drivers, as well as battlefield and road death spirits. Each one gives you a little insight into South Africa's story. But most of all, they provide for cracking good entertainment.

South African Recipes |
South African cooking has its roots in the many cultures that have visited the country over time. Therefore you will find the main dishes include a mixture of Eastern flavours, Western tastes and a healthy dose of bushveld ingredients.

South African Links |

South African Boere Links |